
“Beings of such immense power they defy comprehension… Yet more confined than the incarcerated…”

With the Dawning came fifteen gods, formed from the people of Saevalux’s hopes and beliefs. They were powerful beings, without equal except between themselves, but they were not immortal in this state. They were only able to become eternal beings once they were able to harness the power that emanated from the very heart of Saevalux, the Essence of Creation.

However, this power, the Essence of Creation, has vanished along side Cloven Velnias, and the once-walking cataclysms are now confined to the divine planes that they created so long ago. Since this new mortality, three gods have died, and have been replaced by their exalts, the Goddess of the Sun and Strength, the Goddess of the Wilds, and the Goddess of Winter. Each were goddesses over a particular season and while they died centuries apart, they did die right as their respective season ended. Now with each fall, followers of the Lady of Pain worry that their goddess might soon leave them.

The gods of the warforged, Spes and Salvo, are the only gods that are free. They were created after the Essence of Creation was lost, and as a result, they were never able to form their own divine plane. Them not ever having access to the Essence of Creation is also why they are believed to be childlike though it is only conjecture.

The Dawn Deities are the deities who sided with Mother of Dawn and fought against the Gods of Umbra during the Dawning.

The Gods of Umbra are the deities who chose to fight against the Dawn Deities during the Dawning.

Although it is known that the Gula founded the faction to satisfy his greed for power, it is unknown why some of the gods, notably Ko and God of Two Minds, sided with him.

When individuals pass away in the Prime Material Realm, their soul typically lingers for approximately one minute before embarking on a sacred journey towards the divine realm associated with the deity that most resonates with their values and beliefs, provided they embrace religion. This profound odyssey that the soul embarks upon typically spans around ten days, during which time the soul eventually reaches the divine realm and experiences a state of enduring happiness in the afterlife. Over the course of centuries, these souls gradually merge harmoniously with the divine plane until they ultimately achieve a complete union.

Artwork for the various gods is not always an accurate depiction for them. Some or all of it can be accurate, but it can also be entirely wrong and more shows what most people of Saevalux would imagine said individual would look like based off of what little knowledge they have over said god.