Merchant Lords

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Eight powerful nobles who preside over the lands of Mytos to the south of the Old Kingdom. Once a loose confederation of rich merchants, ruling powerful city states, they are now controlled by The Night Sisters.

Every Lord rules over one of the major city states within Mytos , each counting a number of satellites towns and villages within their sphere of influence.

The title of “Merchant Lord” is not hereditary, rather when a Lord dies, a great council known as the Conclave of Golden Cloth, will convene to choose the next incumbent from amongst a city’s notable people. Though unknown to any outside the Conclave, the new lord in inducted via a ritual performed by The Night Sisters , which binds the victim to their service and places upon them a dark aspect that twists their souls.

These aspects are, Pride, Greed, Gluttony, Lust, Wrath, Sloth, Envy, Cruelty and Deceit. Though appearing largely unchanged in form, those creatures with True sight, can peer through the veil and see the twisted monstrous bodies of those that were once human.

The Merchant Lords are unfathomably greedy and live in great palaces high above the spralling and impoverished city’s they rule over. Though not entirely blameless for this failing, it is The Night Sisters's influence that has pushed the Lords to become so debauched and hedonistic. Through their foul magics the Hags have amplified the Lords greed and encouraged apathy for their subjects. This not only ensures the loyalty of the Lords to The Night Sisters, but through division and depredation, they weaken the people of Mytos immeasurably, allowing the Hags to extract a steady tithe of souls.