Vampire Princes

The five major bloodlines of the that make up the ruling class of the curse lands of Noctis. Held together loosely by ‘The Sanguinium’, a magical covenant that prohibits direct conflict between the Princes, the bloodlines are never the less nearly constantly at war with each other.

The Factions

The Serajar - The most powerful and influential factions. Comprising chiefly of nobles, this prideful faction has little but contempt for the other vampire nations.

The Acedia - Conniving and guileful, the Acedia make enormous use of their human population both as labour and as cattle. While other bloodlines utilise undead servants the Acedia prefer their living servants. A mortal can even rise to position among their vampire lords and yet even the most base vampire thrall will forever stand above them.

The Avarita - Merchants and pirates in equal measure. They sail the seas across the continent in search of yet more gold. Greedy and ruthless, these sea dogs are not to be trifled with. They are uniquely despised by the other bloodlines as their sire did not orginiate in the sands of the West but were merely coastal reavers turned by the grand sire to transport his kin across the sea.

The Gula - Savage and fierce, these warrior vampires lead a feral existence in the northern most reaches of Noctis. Forever battling mountain orcs and the giants of the north, their ranks are filled with the most savage of all warriors.

The Envidian - The smallest faction and most reclusive. Seemingly happy to stay out of the petty rivalries of the other factions in the pursuit of knowledge and the arcane. They no mortals and instead have a vast host of undead minions to do their work. It is unknown how they sustain themselves but it is rumoured among the other vampires that they use portals to unleash their undead hordes across the multiverse.

The Irager - While the other bloodlines warped the lands to fit their own desires, the Irager adapted to it. Inhabiting to vast forests they call home. Intregating with the drudic elves of the western forests the Irager became a strange mix of both. Prefering to spend much of their time in animal form, they view their vampirism as a crime against nature. Dispising of the other bloodlines, their number remain low as it is against their laws for one of their number to turn another being.