Abbey of Ghosts

Located a few days travel south of Tullianum's Farm, these old, stone structure is nestled deep in the woodlands. Close to the river that marks the edge of the valley, the party found it by following a column of dark smoke. Nearing the Abbey, the occupants made themselves visible, several ghostly entities seemingly going about their regular routine in total silence.

Askeea made contact, the inhabitants proving friendly enough, if a little scattered. They informed the group they were not participants in the "Conflict", keeping to themselves and safeguarding objects and people they called "forgotten". Inside, several tapestries seemingly venerating Mystra (though they called her Midnight) adorned the walls.

The damaged section of the abbey housed 2 ghosts seemingly locked in place, however the Guide seemed confused when confronted about it. Arathor Varathor inquired about having his sword enchanted, before experiencing some kind of event, and being told the sword "had ties to his blood". Meanwhile, Tullianum gathered the glowing mushrooms they suspected may have been influencing the ghosts.

The last room explored was a reading room of sorts, however not much remained. Some of finds included: A scroll in Giant about volcanic activity "off the coast", a very beaten up book in Dwarven titled "Ore Yields of Easthold CY 13-218" two scrolls in Auran, however they are too degraded to read much of and a series of similarly bound books written in Celestial but reading them they just seem like gibberish. Askeea chose to study these last books, curious at what they could mean.

These events transpired on the 27th of the 1st, 5 OS.

Further investigation of the area, aided by fellow Expeditionary Coalition members, revealed a cistern of seemingly clear water, and a well maintained forge area. Rejoined by Carmyar, the group further explored the Abbey, finding a tunnel dug below, a set of sarcophagi and some aged portraits, though only one name, the “Lady of Blades”, a formidable fighter mentioned in some old texts.

Exploring the second floor yielded nothing of great use, simply the remains of some living quarters, now with magically repaired and maintained beds.

The 3rd and final floor housed a malfunctioning containment circle and a trio of demons. The area was rife with unravelling magic. The northeastern room contained seemingly intact magic circle with connections to the Feywild. The northwest room with ties to transmutation magic and the concept of entropy and a small chest with a vial of silver fluid. The western room contained a dangerously malfunctioning portal and a connected method to control it that is missing the tome and a chest containing a deep blue cloak.