Arathor Varathor

In his younger years, Arathor spent much time travelling with his father, an owner of a tradeship called the Sea Glaive. Considering the sometimes dangerous nature of the business, Arathor's father spent much time teaching his son the way of the blade, but also instilling in him a sense of great passion for adventure.

One fateful day, pirates attacked the ship on it's route to Saltmarsh, in the Southern Reaches. In the ensuing melee, Arathor's father was murdered and a now 26 year old Arathor was left to defend himself. He took up his father's blade and slaughtered his way through the pirates, but was close to being overwhelmed. Seeing the futility of this fight, Arathor kicked over a oil barrel and smashed a lantern, igniting the ship. He dived into the water and then everything went black. Upon waking, he found himself being tended to in the young town of Saltmarsh by a kind fisherman and his wife. He informed him that they had seen the light of the burning ship and had found him floating and pulled him from the water. Arathor struggled to come to terms with his father's death, but as the months passed by, he learned to cope and only used his anger and pain to hone his skills further. He spent every day since trading his combat skills for gold, as a mercenary soldier for nobles, and the odd job to keep the peace for the Mayor of Saltmarsh. Now at 28, he seeks to prove his worth, and forge his own legend in his new home of the Southern Reaches and the Expeditionary Coalition seems to be the perfect opportunity...

Upon entering the Hideout Cave, Arathor immediately noticed his sight pierced deeper into the dark. Taking note but intent to push on he soon discovered an ancient rune glowing to life in combat. His strikes sometimes seeming to find his foes in place with fire.