Expeditionary Coalition

A coalition of many sources, members of the Coalition come from all walks of life, and all manner of stations. Originally formed from mercenary companies, minor lords and merchant groups, the Coalition set out from the Lakesht, other continents to investigate the Southern Reaches for profit.

In the current era, they act as the provisional government, of sorts, for the region, facilitating the protection and expansion of The Mouth and the surrounding area. They also provide the infrastructure for those seeking to form expeditions deeper into the region.

The first wave of the Expedition set out on the 13th of the 7th 1 OS, 6 months exactly from the opening of the pass, this wave consisted primarily of mercenaries, adventurers and guildsmen looking to make profits from this untapped land at the behest of their backers.

The second wave contained a greater number of artisans and craftsmen, their intent was to repair The Mouth and establish a foothold in the region for the Coalition.

The third wave were the first to build a genuine sense of security. During this time is when much of the Mouth’s repairs and enhancement completed, turning it into a legitimate base of operations.

The fourth and current wave of the Expedition arrived on the 13th of the 1st of 5 OS, continuing the theme. This group mark the first to arrive since the establishment of infrastructure, primarily working as a means of bolstering the armed forces in the area and to make up the majority of the Expedition’s first serious attempts to tame this savage land.