Lakesht, other continents

The Confederation of Duchies is the home to civilization on the continent of Lakesht.

Once warring groups, they were united when faced by extraplanar threats forced them to join together or face extinction. No single Duchy is mono-racial, and the Dukes and Duchesses themselves have come from many races over the generations. In times of great stress, a supreme Duke is appointed via nomination, and the role is rotated as required.

Much of the savagery and barbarity of the world has been driven from the Confederation's lands in the past two generations, whilst banditry and beasts still exist, the roads, villages and towns continue in relative freedom. The southlands however, represent an opportunity for those who would seek fame, fortune, or something more. Much of the land remains unknown, and the mysteries of it's past beg to be unlocked. Unfortunately, the rolling hills and forests are stalked by monsters, creatures and more mysterious folk, making exploration a slow and difficult affair.

The Confederation has grown somewhat soft, and no single Duchy wishes to commit much of their wealth to uncover the secrets of the Southlands. Therefore, the formation of the Expeditionary Coalition via nobles, merchants and guilds would prove to be the method of expansion and exploration.