
The party. Note that the water sigil has now recruited, connected in the face Sigil is now dark.

They re-enter the water signal and the octopus welcomes them back. The new riddle is. “What is it that you keep when you need it not, but throw out when you do not need it”. The party are puzzled and query Rholand. He assists and suggests anchor.

They find themselves standing on sand in the library. A large fish tank can be seen. All the books are waiting to go on the shelves and held in waterproof tanks. Rholand shifts and selects the books he requires.

· Apotheosis: lost ritual or literature device

· Blood motes and life extension

· Meditating on the world's echos

· Distillation of exotic fluids

· Dance traditions from inner city cultures

Ash get some religious books. He can study them to get religious boons.:

· Old Man Winter – a nature one – cold – given to Ort

· Masked Mother – nature – power – earth – rebirth – plants

· Silvanus – Elven – nature – given to Graihagh – she is familiar with him, he is neutral nature god. The book is a senior cleric’s guide to the faith and 36 hours study will give G access to some clerical healing spells.

28½ hours left approximately

They enter the Air sigil. There is a sense of falling, Graihagh feels very unwell, but Teddy is having fun. They notice a feline creature crackling with static electricity coming towards them. It is a Fulminar. Classically, these are the intelligent companions of cloud giants and can be very dangerous. They can be hunting beasts who can incapacitate prey.

Grai and Teddy tap out. Ort and Ash need to race the Fulminar. It is decided there will be a 500 foot dash between Ort and the Fulminar. Ort loses the race and him and Ash are returned to the library. The Sigil is dark.

They go into the shadows. They drop Into Darkness and meet a creature who demands gifts or secrets. Ort gives the creature a secret, Ash gives it a bag of things. Graihagh gives it the black skull. They zap into the library. There is a curiosity cabinet type room with books in bundles. The bundles are wrapped in some kind of skin and tied in silk. As they untie the books, Ort pockets the shadow spider silk from the Binding, Rholand picks the books he wants.

· Profile of a dragon serial killer.

· Reflections on contemporary ethics during community resettlement.

· The myths that become true: conspiracy theories and manifestation

· Hag motives and opportunities.

· Exploring esoteric magic and spell craft.

And Ash finds a bowstring of magic a cold magic emanates. From it, it will infuse any arrows with additional 1D8 cold damage.

Little over an hour passes. Party still needs to cover the air and the Earth signals.

They take a short rest before entering the Earth sigil. They find themselves in a. Canon of Glittering Gems. A character called Peck approaches the party only ought, can understand him, and translates. He lays out a puzzle. Great. Tries to solve it and fails.