
The party start exploring the library. The plan is to do fire, water, Fae, air, earth, shadows. Initially they asked Rholand about the libraries. He suggests there will be no additional knowledge available, so we may not wish to request this from his library at this time. The fountain voice reminds group if they ever wish to bow out of a challenge, they can say the element name three times or tap their nose three times.

They start by going into the Fire Zone. They pop into a very warm area. With some quite scary looking flames that looks like they might burn them. “Prove your strength”, states a growling voice. Roll Initiative.

There are eight large shaggy fire breathing wolves heading towards the group. Ash cast tidal wave and knocked several down. Graihagh casts Barrage and hits lots of the wolves with this. Teddy then attacks the nearest wolf with his claws, then worries it and rips its head off. It vanishes is in a pile of ash, the wolves attack Teddy, one misses and one hits the arm of August, rebounds and kills the wolf. Again, he disappears into a pile of dust. A group of three wolves then breathe fire at Teddy and Graihagh. Two of the two others breathed on Auto Nash. This leaves the Wolves looking diminished, but hurts the party. Ort attacks with his staff and kills a further wolf. At Costco now cold and all but one die. Teddy swipes the head off that final wolf. The large fire echoes you are worthy and the fire area changes. It's not some metal bookshelves surrounding party. And an ever-burning flame torch in the room. There are also a large number of crates that appear to have been unloaded, but not unpacked. All of the crates are full of unorganised books. Rholand wants all the crates checking and selects total of five books he wants. They go into the haversack..

· Ceramics from the underdark

· Theories on the origin and purpose of the unauthored universal subroutine.

· Macroeconomics and nudge theory of societal deconstruction

· Sentient flames as business partners for smithing

· Portal energy repayments programs and the astral Bank.

Grace searches around and finds a collection of 10 alchemy books, which he also adds to the haversack.

Ash examines the flame. There is a cryptic panel by it, which mentions making the flame dance. Ort tries sending a gust at it. This makes no difference. He plays music on his flute and the flames die down. Ash tries singing a druidic chant which is absolutely terrible and does not affect the flame. Ort plays again. Ash tries pulling the staff out the column once the flames have died down, this seems to work. Ort stops playing. The staff remains without flames and the column burns again. Ash knows this to be a staff of fire. The party leaves the area. The sigal goes dark.

Enter the water plane. Sadly, as you might expect, tis is underwater. Grey has the lower lung capacity and has just two minutes. Through the water they hear “Solve my Riddle” and the riddle echoes through the water. The Party try a few different answers but really don't know the solution and one by one, drop back into the main library. The sigil goes dark.

Next off they go into the Fey. It is pretty zone with a stream and a cottage, and it feels like mid-afternoon. They meet a lady who looks royal and would like a few hours of their company. Her name is Mother Moth. She would like them to entertain her. Ort does a musical display with Ash’s support? Teddy does an athletic show of strength. Following this, they have some food and talk. Ash offers, Mother Moth some gin and summons some moths. The party tell their tale and what they've been up to. She notes that they are empowered by the realm of Nevermore, spotting the armour of Agathas.

Following the tale, she identifies Ort’s new whip as being from the City of Doors and called Our Lady's punishment, it was created as a weapon of correction to deliver lashes to lawbreakers. It's magic means it hurts more each time you hit a creature. As long as no other creatures are hitting between, so it starts at one default, then 2D for etc. Upton 94. I need to be attuned. It's not truly alive, but it likes its job. Members of the party had vague memories, the City of Doors being a Loop City. Pass for Horace Horror Story with No Country Cider open space. Before they leave. Ash, gifts Mother Moss a sapling. She suggest we would enjoy adventure in the Fae. And the party asked her the answer to the water Riddle. She says it's blood. She then dispatches the group to the books. The library here has living shelves again. They are empty and all the books have just dumped out on Earth table in absolute chaos. Roland instantly started searching the books he finds 5 books:

  • Mass suggestion and a new politic.

  • Local stories and the powers who answer supplications.

  • Leaving the Wyrm's Shadow. Short stories from Kobold outcasts.

  • Plucking the web, dreams and their deeper opportunity.

  • Slang and shorthand on the assembly line.

Ash tastes Cup of tea from the table. And instantly falls asleep. Graihagh kicks him, he wakes up. she looks for some language books before they leave.

Try the water again.