
At Zim Zam Zimbaland's Library.

Still need to do

??? - red and white

Carnival - black and white

Evil - no light

now afternoon

be prepared for trouble, and aim for red and white energy of the mystery room.

Ort heads to the door and opens it

Bubbling shape - a sphere that is constantly losing its shape and snapping back - contains a large humanoid froglike creature wearing grey/black - it’s perfectly still but its slit eyes are tracking Ort. Not native to this plane or a frog. G has heard mention of unpredictable evil frog creatures that excel in chaos - the colour is wrong - G thinks it should be colourful.

the creature bursts out as soon as the glyphs break… Frogster immediately takes a legendary action and a cloud of burning gas envelops the party, he then goes invisible. Ort waits for his chance to attack and as Frogster runs past him he swings but misses alerting Graihagh that Frogster is out of the building.

Ash congers a pack of snakes and vanishes. The snakes attack and reveal Frogster’s location and cause the gas to dispel giving Graihagh the chance to shoot him; she too vanishes. Teddy limps away wounded.

Frogster again uses a legendary action and pops off a bead of light casting a fireball Everyone except Teddy is hit - including Frogster. The snakes pop out of existence.

Ort steps round the side of the building and uses his catapult to fling rocks at the Frogster. Frogster uses another legendary action to cast red versions of itself in front of Ort.

Ash takes the opportunity to cast a spell at the fraudster – Blight - it seems to dry it out

Teddy hides

Graihagh strikes twice. Zephyr strike engaged 48 damage overall. She moves.

The Red Frogster’s intimidate Ort.

The Frogster attacks Ash doing 30 damage.

Ort attacks one of the Red Frogsters, but it seems not to make contact. Step of the wind to the Frogster he hits him, the Red Frogsters vanish.

Ashes turned into a giant elk, the Frogster takes the opportunity to hit him – he is Ash again. Grey shoots the Frogster. But the Frogster attacks Ash again with a natural 20. Sadly, Ash is knocked down. Ort Runs in, attacks the Frogster and pushes him back away from Ash. The Frogster casts a fireball again Ort dives to shield ash, taking damage. But the Frogster also takes damage and evaporates.

Graihagh runs in and heals Ash for five points.

Turns out the frogster was a Death Slaad.

The party needs rest. They decide to rest near the bear, and Ash pulls a Panther from the bag to assist with the watches.

The amazing bear goes hunting during the rest and shares his catch with the party.

Next, they approach the Carnaval building. This has black and white light from it. Ort opens the door and the monochrome dressed woman with a Day of the Dead look is in the sphere. She's dressed in a very fine-looking ball gown with very bright looking red lips. She is awake and looking at Ort. The woman smiles, Graihagh draws her bow and points it into the ground. After some signing, Ort writes on the wall in Elvish. And the woman responds in a friendly manner. She is definitely painted in a death beam versus being a dead creature painted. Ultra up sight one of the gifts from the floor and she steps out like a dancer and speaks In a friendly manner. Ort asked her name and she advises she is called Lady Felicia. She is unaware of any others and unclear how long she's been here. She advised that she was imprisoned by a little fellow with a book and confirmed it is Zim Zam Zimberland and. She is from Nevermore. Party know this to be a place. In between for the dead. After much discussion whether she offers them a favour and prior to leaving, blesses them with a version of Armour of Agathys at level 8. This gives them 40 temporary hit points. And necrotic damage. So they all have a slightly monochromatic look. Including Teddy. She also gives them each a small silver ring with a black Opal. This is known as the Ring of Lady Felicia and is worth 100 gold pieces. Party note they can all remove the ring.

Prior to going into the library Ort considers the structures. He notes the six Outer Planes of the four elements, the shadow and the Fey and then the 15 combinations that share linking. Below them that have made-up coloured shield. He recognises that this was a very powerful way to protect something by syphoning power from the planes.

Opening the library doors. They see a cavernous hole with arches. Ash looks in to see a pedestal with a fountain. And burning flame lights in niches. Every wall is coated with pictures, diagrams, texts and carvings. There were no books. There is a wooden box on the pedestal and floor cushions near the fountain. As Ort steps in, a face appears in the fountain and indicates the food in the box and drinking. Drinking the fountain. He brings Rholund out to look around the room and rolling, start scanning it. Rholund comments that this is a trick room. There are hidden spaces, hidden rooms. There were six portals. And they can be spotted on the floor. Merlin comments that the wall art teaches. The reader to initially read and to do maths and do science. Everything here on the walls is what you need to rebuild society. Roland considers the walls basic, but they soon go beyond parties comprehension. Each portal has its own theme and a library and guile guard the information. The pedestal person tells us they must best the librarians to access the information. And that the food is beads of nourishment shaped as Jelly babies.