Zim Zam Zimbaland's Library

A large building pre-dating The Upheaval - perhaps hundreds of years old. Above the large double doors reads the words “Not to be forgotten”.

The library was originally shielded by several conduits, each seemingly pulling power from a different plane of existence. Several of the rooms housing the conduits were already destroyed when our heroes arrived, and they have since freed, banished or slain the occupants of the others. According to Ismet Ragan, he at least has been trapped here for 247 years and was imprisoned by Zim Zam Zimbaland.

Inside, the walls are covered end-to-end and top-to-bottom with information purporting to guide the reader from the simplest concepts, through to enough advanced knowledge to rebuild civilisation.

Six portals lead to the specialist or advanced subjects, grouped into six categories, one per portal. These six portals and categories seem to correspond to the four elemental plans, the shadow and the fey.

The Prisoners

See also the "Conduits" tab.

  1. Lady Felicia

  2. Ismet Ragan

  3. ...

Specialist subjects


  • Religion

  • Medicine

  • Navigation & Transportation

  • Marine society

  • Blood science

  • Potion making

  • Dance

  • Meditation

  • Chemistry


  • Technology

  • Law

  • Industry & Commerce

  • Energy & Power

  • Alchemy

  • Pyrotechnics

  • Blacksmithing

  • Pottery

  • Fermentation


  • Mathematics

  • Agriculture

  • Building & Construction

  • Landscape & Environmental Sciences

  • Geology

  • Archaeology

  • Mining Fossils

  • Gemology


  • Arts & Recreation

  • Education

  • Music

  • Recreation & Sports

  • Aeronautics & Aviation

  • Meteorology

  • Astronomy

  • Ornithology

  • History


  • Philosophy & Psychology

  • Military

  • Science

  • Intelligence & Espionage

  • Criminal Justice

  • Murder

  • Conspiracy Theories

  • Witchcraft

  • Mysticism

  • Nightmares

  • Necromancy


  • Language

  • Literature

  • Mythology

  • Creative Writing

  • Folklore

  • Enchantment

  • Storytelling

  • Dream Interpretation