Our Grove

A grove hidden within the rocks of the foothills of the Sky Peaks. Originally inhabited by The Medusa, it has now been inhabited by our heroes as both a headquarters and a place to lie low after the narrow escape from prison on Hades.

Moving in…

Since acquiring the grove, our heroes have:

  • Disguised the entrance - most won't spot if just walking by but it might be found by those more closely searching. They will need to work at it some more in the future.

  • Broken up the sculptures of the gorgon and have brought the perfect possible creatures into the grove.

  • Created a workshop:

    • Built a wooden bookcase housing a handful of books.

    • Set up a small furnace, writing desk and glassblowers tools.

    • Created a “hidden barrel” cache, dug into the ground.

  • Created a sleeping space for everyone, including Teddy.

Rooms and furnishings