A misguided creature, seeking to perform the ritual of the stone on a colossal scale around The Old City in its entirety, in a bid to impress the Immortal Keepers and attain membership.
Appearance: Pale green skin, with a head of snakes for hair.
Location: Laid to rest in Our Grove
Hails from:
Race: Gorgon (F)
Faction(s): Independent
- Met?
- Dead?
Personality traits:
From a library book on medusas and explains that looking directly at them can turn you to stone - explains the biochemistry of it - it is not instant and you have a few seconds to fight it - greater restoration will cure it - many hunters will put a cover over their eyes as if you cannot see her you will not get turned to stone - they are very selfish creatures and usually have a self interest and a selfish goal - use the source of their desire against them or tick them into thinking you can help them and then you can stab them in the belly.