
An intricate, mechanical clockwork rat. Responsible for the party’s very unusual dreams.

What is the Eternal Archive it refers to, and how can a single place or entity contain that much knowledge?

Location: Party location

Hails from: Unknown

Race: Unknown

Class: Unknown

Alignment: Unknown

Background: Unknown

Faction(s): Servants of the Eternal Archive


Once per day is able to connect to the archives in an attempt to answer a single question posed to it.

Factual questions seem to get the best answers.


  1. Who built this? (referring to the roads leading into the Far Peaks)
    ”One moment please, checking archive. This road appears to be a construction from giant clan of Western Trel Malchant, work is high quality, significant trade route. The giant clan was exclusively cloud/stone, before it disbanded, it had increased its population to include individuals from many races. As it was diverse, had many abilities, kept stone and cloud giant principles.”

  2. When entering the inside of Mount Ho Lo
    ”Unknown in archive. Thanks for submitting new information. We knew of old cities, we thought we knew them all. This city holds significant magical power at various points.”

  3. Who are Immortal Keepers?

  4. Why are you so grumpy?
    ”You have used your quota of questions for the day.”

  5. What is this strange crystal?

  6. How do we go about depositing things in the archive?

  7. Aren’t you the cutest? (asked by Suma Hane)
    Yes I am”

  8. What is that? Do you know what that location is? (pointing to the 12 symmetrical trees)
    “A tree. There are multiple, symmetrical, that’s not normal. Historically, this was a settlement specialising in horticulture and animal husbandry. Settlement dissolved.”

  9. Access information about the Flameskull Ooze Man in White - what was it, and how can we best combat it?
    ”Rune of significant power - highly important to its power. Next time, provide me a closer look. The skull was not hot, but was flaming. Just before, I felt it pulled what life is inside me, out. Something death-like. Important when destroying them to either cast remove curse on remains, or dispel magic on remains, or pour holy water upon them. Otherwise the skull will reform in an hour’s time.”