Kadijah mausoleum

A small mausoleum, surrounded by graves, each with dwarfish and goblin inscriptions. Names like Emrick and Shamrar. The years don’t make sense - any calendar used appears different to our own.

The mausoleum is sealed, engraved with a family name Kadijah, and an eye.

Graihagh knows stories of the Kadijah clan, fearsome goblins from the mountains.The legends say they had swords of ice.

Ort fell into the door - there is some give in it… Ash detects a shifting school of magic, as well as divination and conjuration. It is a frozen tomb, with a sarcophagus inside from which the magical auras emit. Inscriptions in goblin and dwarfish again: an embellished family history. Written across the coffin: “Here lies Aberley, the greatest of us.” - referring to Aberley Kadijah, a bridge between goblins and dwarfs - his name was used as a war cry.

The sarcophagus inscription reads: “Let them rest, those who brought so much joy to the world.”