Codex tube

Description: A tubular container of some sort, with some kind of mechanism, each with numbers 1 to 64 written in Goblin. Also in Goblin is inscribed six apparent clues.

Special rules: ?

In the campaign: Found within the Copper construct under the Fallen tree. Given to the halfling at the taking of the sky-ship Miru.

Type: Item

Rarity: Unique, rare

Cost: Unknown

Attunement: Unknown

Current owner: Unknown

Six clues:

  • How many winds (4)

  • How many schools of Magic (8)

  • How many outer planes (NOT 17, maybe 16?) Tommy says: 21 or 15 (IT WAS 15)

  • The cosmic weight of the fumes of Hades (NOT 1, “Cortzina says 16”, not sure though) Tommy? (IT WAS 16)

  • The 9th prime number (23)

  • The meaning of life the universe and everything (42)

Six tries! Indicated by six crystals:

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6

The mechanism appears to be triggered by a button surrounded with gemstones. The object radiates an aura of Evocation magic.