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Act I

Humble beginnings… our heroes venture out into the wider world to discover the secrets of the ritual to rid the world of forbidden technology.

They discover entrances to the underworld in and around Whitefall, and rid the Old Wood of a strange technological artefact which has been causing all manners of strange things to happen to the local wildlife…


Sessions: 1 to 20 [20]

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Act II

Our heroes set out from Whitefall along the Old Trade Route, heading for Arch and Mount Ho Lo, in which they discover the shell of an ancient construction, the secretive Veiled Market, and in it its inner peak, the Goblin Nest where Bruno is building his rebellion against the world’s regimes.

Our heroes are killed by Bruno's henchman, but then reborn at Bruno’s hand in a misguided attempt to recruit them. Bruno is ultimately handed over to Queen Toyahtoma and Immortal Keepers but their retaliation is extreme and our heroes are given only 24 hours to evacuate the peoples of Arch. In the aftermath of the eruption, our heroes help relocate the population of Arch.


Sessions: 21 - 41 [21]

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Our heroes head to The Old City, rid the area of a growing Death Cult, and investigate a plot by The Medusa to impress the Immortal Keepers by performing the ritual of the stone on a massive scale, reporting scores of people from the three towns of The Old City for the use of forbidden technology. The people of Barrwater Accord summon the Ashen Wolf who, at our heroes request, tracks and hunts down The Medusa and her lair.

Our heroes take some time to visit home and relax at Besso's Baths, where they discover a strange new faction and its head, Chief Hisish. In following his request to confront Lady Gleamheart, our heroes are sentenced by Immortal Keepers to years on a prison plane, Hades 4. They go into hiding in their newly founded hideout at Our Grove.


Sessions: 42 - 68 [27]

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Act IV

Our heroes emerge from their hiding, after a year of keeping themselves out of sight and away from trouble, to belatedly find a message from Queen Toyahtoma informing them that she has managed to get our heroes off the hook, and no small cost to her own status within the Immortal Keepers.

In repayment, the group defeats the black, evil slime that is (was?) Jonathan at the Blink Tower, but not before procuring several original tomes of knowledge from Zim Zam Zimbaland's Library for the Eternal Archive.


Sessions: 69 - 77 [8]

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Act V

A meteor has landed in the Sky Peaks, and there's some undesirable activity - both in scale and in nature - going on the north eastern mountains. Elemental, mechanical and green-skinned forces threaten the peaceful townships of Barrwater Accord and the The Old City.


Sessions: 78 - ? [?]