Aryas Assembly

Under the enlightening writings of Aryas the Mentor, teachers, priests, and monks who have been drawn to the calling of truth and knowledge spend their lives training within the Assembly. The Aryas Assembly is a collective term for the universal knowledge and philosophies upheld by those who follow Aryas' teachings. Schools and monasteries exist in select larger communities.

The Aryas Assembly is guided by a central belief that true strength is found in understanding the world around you. Despite their idealism, the pursuit of truth is hampered by the realities of life in the Fading Lands: politics, propaganda, and the consequences of the Upheaval itself. Some knowledge simply cannot be shared, and some remains forgotten…

Also amongst their teachings is the pursuit of self-discipline, inner peace and mental fortitude through martial arts - the knowledge of the self. Many come to the Assembly to quiet their mind, temper their storms and learn to control their demons.


  • Discipline, teaching

  • Inner peace, calm

  • Defensive martial arts


Basically, their teachings are true, and their training beneficial for self-discipline. However, the teachings are limited - stunted or even censored by the laws of the Upheaval. Ort believes there's more...
