Graihagh Softfoot

Graihagh, the last of the Softfoot tribe. Her mother, Arathorn, was killed by a hunter’s arrow.

Age 62

5’6, Green eyes copper/brown skin and black/brown hair.

Location: Party location

Hails from: High Woods

Race: Wood-elf (F)

Class: Ranger (revised)

Alignment: Chaotic neutral

Background: Outlander

Faction(s): Independent


Personality traits: I'm always picking things up, absently fiddling with them, and sometimes accidentally breaking them...

Ideal: Life is like the seasons, in constant change, and we must change with it.

Bond: An injury to the unspoiled wilderness of my home is an injury to me.

Flaws: Violence is my answer to almost any challenge.


Brought up in the High Woods outside Barrwater Accord by her mother (Arathorn) who was forced out by the lottery, she is a bit wild and not above sneaking into the settlements to trade and maybe steal when needed. She's up for adventure and to see more of the world and maybe find a place she can call home following the accidental death of her mother to a hunter's arrow.

Graihagh has an animal companion called Teddy, he is a black bear and loves to lick his friends with considerable enthusiasm...

Goblin Issue

After her mother Arathorn was forced to leave the village she lived in pregnant with G, the first few homesteads she set up were troubled with goblin raiders. When G was a child her pet falcon was slaughter by goblin raiders and they were forced to risk moving closer to the school to avoid the raids, nearer to edges of the forest where hunting is harder.

Mountain creature knowledge

She would have know of huge mountain birds of prey. With legends of ones big enough to grasp a fully loaded wagon in each claw.

Above the snowline yetis In dark places, ravines and alike oozes can be found. Mountain big cats of various types roam, and wyverns cause problems... White dragons are a more deadly if rare foe.