Ash Hawthorne

Age: 45

Appearance: Silvery grey hair, 7’6” tall.

Location: Party location

Hails from: Hawthorne Grove

Race: Firbolg (M)

Class: Druid

Alignment: Neutral Good

Background: Faction Agent

Faction: Emerald Enclave


Personality traits: I feel far more comfortable around animals than people.

Ideal: Nature. The natural world is more important than all the constructs of civilisation.

Bond: Grove and Enclave... or is there more?

Flaws: Slow to trust members of other races... well humans mainly!

Notable points

  • Can disguise himself


Hawthornes have served or been members of the Emerald Enclave as long as anyone of importance can remember, or so tells Grandpa Oaken. He tells tales of how our ancestors played their parts in saving scared sites or protecting wondrous forests, of travelling the worlds to protect nature and the wild places from those that would seek to tame. destroy, or exploit it.

When the world came to realise they needed to adopt simpler ways, to re-embrace nature, the enclave was there, stepping up to help people with the transition championing the cause... Grandpa tells of how he and others helped start the reclamation of the great cities, helping nature reclaim them, sharing knowledge with those who didn't know how to sustainably farm the land and embrace the land around them...

But his later tales and that of my parents hint at why we now live away from the larger towns and keep to our sheltered woods... It’s not just to protect the grove... how the return to nature for some was not about living in balance, but more about control... as townships grow and divide they encroach on the wild spaces, clear forests and build their boundary walls and gates! The human countryside is one of segregation and ownership.

Da and sister are crafters make furniture, household wares, tools, even the odd sculpture, once they would travel from settlement to settlement selling these (it was also I am assured an excellent cover for gathering info for the enclave!) but with the settlements becoming less open, most trade now goes through a half-elf merchant the family has an arrangement with. The family mark on goods still carries some value but few may know the makers origins. I long to see the world for myself, I cannot believe everywhere is like this region maybe further afield in some of the wild places grandpa describes or where the other races are more common things would be different.

Da just seems so disillusioned with the world... but then does nothing to change it!

I wondered if Ma's passing all those seasons ago has changed him, he always said she was his light... I miss her still. They traveled together as enclave protectors before settling here and becoming keepers of this grove... and it is a wonderful forest and it and my family have has taught me so much but... I have begun to travel away from the grove and forest but almost always in other forms and grandpa has given me his bag of tricks!